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  • Research + Outreach Grant: Botany in Action

    Posted by Maria Wheeler-Dubas on November 29, 2023 at 2:56 pm

    The Botany in Action Fellowship program at Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens fosters the development of the next generation of plant-based scientists who are committed, first, to excellent research, and second, to educational outreach. Open to PhD students enrolled at US graduate institutions and conducting plant-based scientific research, the program provides each fellow with: 1) $6,000 for use towards research-related expenses at sites in the US or abroad*, 2) an all-expenses paid trip to Phipps, to engage in science outreach training and opportunities to translate and communicate their research to non-scientific, public audiences through written, visual and/or oral means, (contingent on COVID19) and 3) subsequent opportunities to connect their research with the public through programs, exhibits, and other outreach venues.

    Research Priority Areas (listed in no particular order):*

    • Ethnobotany, with special interest in plant use for physical and/or psychological well-being;
    • Diversity and conservation, particularly in regional (southwest Pennsylvania and adjacent states) and tropical forests;
    • Landscape and brownfield restoration, particularly in plant-based ecosystem services;
    • Sustainable landscapes;
    • Interdisciplinary plant-based research at the intersection of human and environmental health.

    For 2024, special consideration will be given to research of the above topics taking place in:

    • Panama
    • Southwest Pennsylvania and adjacent states.

    Duration of Funding: A BIA Fellowship consists of one year of support for research funding and educational outreach, as well as life-long membership in a growing network of plant-based scientists connecting their research with the public. BIA Fellows are encouraged to re-apply to the program for continued funding for up to three years of support towards completion of their dissertation research. Note, continued funding is not guaranteed and is dependent on the Fellow’s previous use of funding, proven commitment to furthering their educational outreach, and funding availability. Additional funding after 3 years may be available on a case-by-case basis. All funding expires on Dec 31 of the calendar year it was received. Remaining funds after this date must be sent back to Phipps Conservatory.

    Eligibility Requirements: All applicants must be:

    • Enrolled in a PhD program at a US graduate institution (US citizenship is not required)
    • Conducting plant-based research
    • Able to travel to Pittsburgh, PA from a location within the US (costs will be reimbursed) for the duration of the Botany in Action Science Engagement Week, which will be September 19 – 22 – contingent on the COVID19 situation.
    • Able to commit to monthly online outreach (e.g. podcast, blogging, vlogging, etc) after Science Engagement Week.
    • For previous fellows applying for renewed funding: clear, tangible outreach goals and outcomes in addition to research accomplishments from the previous year.

    Proposal Review: Proposals are reviewed by members of Phipps’ Research/Botany in Action Science Advisory Committee. Reviewers are active scientists and laypersons with strong knowledge of or interest in botany, conservation, sustainability, and plant-based education and outreach. Proposals will be evaluated using similar criteria to NSF scientific merit and broader impact proposal review categories, as well as relevance to research priority areas for the 2023-24 year.

    Proposal Deadline: All proposal materials must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on Jan. 5, 2024.
    Timeline: BIA Fellows will be announced by early March and funding disbursed in late March 2024.
    Questions? Direct any questions to Dr. Maria Wheeler-Dubas, Science Education Outreach Manager at mwheeler-dubas@phipps.conservatory.org.

    Full Details Here: https://www.phipps.conservatory.org/green-innovation/for-the-world/botany-in-action/call-for-proposals

    Maria Wheeler-Dubas replied 10 months, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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