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Forums Forums Open Forum Discrimination and inclussion in Academia

  • Radoslaw Walkowiak

    March 17, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    Very good words about a very important topic. I have personally experienced genuine gender discrimination many times. This may seem funny, after all, I am a white male from Europe. Unfortunately, in my country, but also throughout the European Union, the issue of women in science is excessively raised, which is of course extremely important, but it often leads to open discrimination against men, I have heard many times that there is no place for me in the team despite the high substantive assessment of me because places are for women, preferably for women from outside Poland/Europe. Sad but true. I appealed against the decision, reported scandalous statements to higher authorities, but unfortunately there was nothing I could do, no one cared. It’s worth talking about because discrimination affects everyone, not just minorities.

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