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MemberAugust 23, 2021 at 7:08 am in reply to: Gender perspective in the labI am so happy about the answers! I agree with all of you because I would say that there is not a bad way to tackle this problem. Every way of fighting is very welcomed. Every little thing that you can do in your day to day could mean a big step for someone that comes after you.
Yes, it depends on the institute, the country… it also depends on many other factors. It is not the same being a white women that being a black women. We do not get the same oppression and I think is in our hands to give spaces to this women that are not only women but also other things.
Thanks to everyone! <3
Hi! Thanks for your answer!
I agree with you, that is for sure necessary. However, nowadays we have more female students than male students. Still, PI possitions are ruled by men. I think that until women do not reach possitions of power as men do (Country level proportions) we will not obtain equity.
So the point is: HOW to pave the way to young female students to reach this possitions of power and if they do so how to mantain them there.
MemberJuly 19, 2021 at 8:59 am in reply to: Welcome! Let us know a little bit about you and your interest in plant sciences.Dear everyone! My name is Eva Maria Gomez Alvarez, I am in my second year of the Ph.D. in Agrobiodiversity in the PlantLab (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, PISA, Italy). I was born in Valencia, Spain, where I studied plant synthetic biology for several years during my bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, I am also an ex- IGEM student (ChatterPlant, 2017)! After an Erasmus internship at the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Oxford, I moved to Madrid to perform my Master’s degree in Plant Biotechnology at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
I am currently working with cereals and submergence-hypoxia stress, using genetics and bioinformatics approaches. During the last years, I have been involved in projects regarding plant-microbe interaction in Arabidopsis thaliana and synthetic biology of Potyviruses. Since the beginning of my research career, I have worked with plants which I find fascinating. As a hobby, I play the flute since I was 7 years old, an activity that I love as much as I love plants.
Do not hesitate to contact me for whatever you might need!
Twitter account: eva_ga96.
MemberAugust 18, 2021 at 10:29 pm in reply to: Gender perspective in the labI would say we are more or less in the same page. I would just stress that even if ‘not all the labs’ and ‘not all the situations’ are the same, it exists a general, common environment that is opressive towards women and other collectives (at different levels, in different moments). However, itis true that there is a need for solving every individual problem in a proper specific way.
Thanks a lot for the feedback!♡