Forum Replies Created


    September 6, 2021 at 7:56 am in reply to: Plant Science Communication Activities and Resources

    Hi Jiawen and other readers. First of all, it’s a great initiative taken by you to make a list of outreach activities as it will provide new ideas to us, how we can promote such activities.

    My name is Prakshi and I am a Ph.D. student at the National Institute of Plant Genome Research, India. Every year our Institute organizes Science Open Day to make everyone aware, especially school students, of the kind of research community is doing and what the purpose is. All labs display their work through posters, presentations, and 3D models in a simplified version so that a person from a non-scientific background can also understand it. Working of certain instruments is also demonstrated so that they can experience what a researcher is doing, and how it is different from the textbooks. It is really a good experience for us to see students taking part in such activities enthusiastically, and I think it is imperative to organize such activities to make people aware about the science.

    Thank you 🙂


    August 24, 2021 at 5:23 am in reply to: Gender perspective in the lab

    It is great to know about the viewpoints and opinions on the topic across the countries. I always use to discuss this with my friends and the lab members. Glad to know at some or the other point we all are on the same page.

    Thank you @eva_ga96 for initiating the discussion and making us aware of the perspectives on such a delicate issue 🙂


    July 30, 2021 at 6:42 am in reply to: Gender perspective in the lab

    I think maintaining an equal male: female ratio in a lab would have perspectives from both sides, and the collaborated efforts could lead to a more equal work environment.

  • Greetings! I am Prakshi Aneja, a Ph.D. scholar at the National Institute of Plant Genome Research, India. Our lab focuses on the effects of environmental cues on plant development and optimizing plant developmental features for efficient photosynthesis in crop plants. The objective of my Ph.D. is to investigate the genetic basis of leaf traits determining photosynthesis in rice.

    Apart from research, I am passionate about music too, and I love to play the guitar. I am an amateur photographer snapping photos of nature.

    Looking forward to connecting to the scientific community to gain more insights into the current scenario of plant biology and hoping to learn a lot from this opportunity 🙂


    August 18, 2021 at 9:48 am in reply to: Gender perspective in the lab

    Yes, I would completely agree with that. But I have observed that in a research institute, the proportion of male PI is higher than the female PIs, while the number of female Ph.D. students is more than the male Ph.D. students. As a female researcher that really bothers me.

    I could never figure out the reason, what are your views on that?

  • Your work seems to be quite interesting. Is it related to Plant memory?